Data can be a powerful tool in designing a more equitable and just workplace, especially when leaders and change champions have access to the data and are empowered to act on it.
Ellequate collects data through comprehensive policy assessments and employee surveys to help employers:
Identify gaps in existing policies and practices
Understand disparities in employee experience
Prioritize opportunities for growth
Develop targeted action plans that respond to the needs of employees with diverse and intersecting identities
Our model provides both internal and external benchmarking, as well as a framework that encourages transparency, promotes accountability, and measures impact.
Qualitative research dives deeper into employee experience in order to understand why people think, feel, and behave the way they do. Ellequate uses a combination of methodologies, including one-on-one interviews, focus groups, and experience groups (an approach developed by the Value Institute). With experience groups, insights are derived from observing guided conversations about daily lived experience among participants with shared identities (e.g. Black women, people living with disabilities). Our qualitative research approach is designed to meet the individual needs of each employer.
“There has been an increase in the amount of talent we’re able to retain because of working with Ellequate. Most recently, a woman who has young children came to me and said, “this other company that I left to come to you has recruited me back and offered me more money than what I’m making [here]. But I’m going to stay because you have work-life balance policies that make it easier for me to be a working mother.” She still works for us.”